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Electrons' acceleration underway

Image of an electron beam captured on a YAG screen shortly before entering the first section of the linac

After first electrons appeared in the electron gun, the Solaris synchrotron team have focused on the transfer of the beam through the whole linear accelerator (linac). At the moment, the electron beam can be observed shortly before entering the first accelerating structure of the linac. The electrons still have to travel 40 metres before reaching its end.

"The beam emitted by the electron gun has an energy of 1.8 MeV.  We are currently trying to synchronise the electromagnetic wave impulses with the electron beam released from the gun, in order to further accelerate the electrons. In a week's time, we hope to solve all the problems and see the beam at the end of the linac," says Adriana Wawrzyniak,  the chief accelerator physicist at Solaris.

At the end of the week, the transfer line will be integrated with the storage ring and the linac. The role of the transfer line is to transport the electron beam from the linac to the synchrotron. In this period all work related to the start-up of the linac will cease. New experiments with the electron beam will be possible in mid-April after the installation of the whole synchrotron is completed.

The experimental lines are an important part of every synchrotron. At the moment, there are two such lines: PEEM/XAS and UARPES. The first of them can find application in such areas as physicochemistry of materials, nanomagnetism, surface reactions, biology or geology, whereas the second line may be used in such fields as superconductor and semiconductor physics, new electronic materials, low-dimensional materials, and nanostructure research.

"Each line is designed according to our guidelines, so we systematically receive subsequent parts of these lines. We have recently received one of the major components of experimental line UARPES – an undulator, that is an insertion device which is the source of synchrotron radiation. Undulator makes it possible to achieve better parameters of the photon beam. The transport of the device was very difficult, not only because it weighs 8 tons, but also due to the precise mechanics that controls the structure of permanent magnets. The next challenging task will be to install the undulator in the storage ring.

We have lots of work ahead of us, before the first light is obtained for research purposes. Yet, we are on the right track," reads the press release from the Synchrotron Radiation Centre Solaris.

The Solaris synchrotron will be the most advanced device of this kind generating electromagnetic radiation, from infrared to X-radiation. Its unique properties will enable researchers to look deeply into different types of matter and thoroughly analyse it, opening up new perspectives in both basic and applied research. This advanced infrastructure will enable at least a dozen teams to conduct research 24 hours a day.

The project has been funded from the European Regional Development Fund within the framework of the Operational Programme Innovative Economy for 2007-2013. For more information, visit the website: www.synchrotron.uj.edu.pl.

Published Date: 16.02.2015
Published by: Łukasz Wspaniały
Uniwersytet Jagielloński